Note: Colors in the "Date & DOY" column indicate data quality.
They are derived from logbook entries for the SDI experiment (where available). The color
key is: good, fair, poor, unusable, unknown. Asterisks (*) surrounding a date indicate that
SDI data for this day have been flagged as very interesting, - i.e. worthy of special study.
Also, if "Test External Links" is to "Yes", then links to Keograms, ASC, etc will only be given for URLs that actually exist. But note, this testing does take a little time; there will be a noticable delay while the table is generated.
These plots have been automatically generated. There
is absolutely no quality control applied when making the plots themselves. These data include
cloudy observing periods, periods of poor instrumental performance, periods with
significant moonlight contamination, times when the viewing dome was snow covered, etc
etc. The fraction of "good" data may be as low as 20 to 30 percent.
Information on observing conditions and instrumental performance for certain days may be
found by viewing the links in the "Logbook Pages" column. Please contact
the P.I., Mark Conde, for more information regarding the quality of any of these data -
especially for data on days without a logbook page.